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    Like USPS on Facebook and interact with us on the world’s largest social media network.

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  • X (formerly Twitter)

    Things are changing fast at the Postal Service. Follow USPS on X and keep up on the latest news.

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  • YouTube

    View our library of videos on You Tube to see how we are continuing our evolution as a forward-thinking, fast-acting company capable of providing quality products and services.

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  • Pinterest

    The USPS Pinterest page highlights some of our most popular stamps, including kids’ favorites, travel destinations, American celebrities, historical figures, art and photography.

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  • Threads

    Join USPS on Threads and stay on top of what we are doing.

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  • USPS Retiree E-Newsletter

    Receive benefits updates and resources that may be important to you as a retiree.

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  • Postal Posts blog

    The Postal Service’s official blog, where you can read about our technological innovations, history, products and services.

    Visit Postal Posts

  • Mailin' It podcast

    The official podcast of the United States Postal Service.

    Listen to the latest episode

  • USPS Stamps

    Resources and stories about stamps, both the classics and those hot off the presses.

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  • RSS feed

    Find out about the latest news releases from USPS without having to visit the website. The feed makes them available in your browser or news reader at your convenience.

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